Happy Women’s Day – 8 March 2017
8 March 2017 Our best wishes to all Women of the World. HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY!
8 March 2017 Our best wishes to all Women of the World. HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY!
We wish to inform our kind customers that Trattoria Micci will be open on Easter Day (Sunday, April 16, 2017) and on Easter Monday (Monday, April 17, 2017). We will be closed on April 18, 2017. Trattoria Micci
Trattoria Micci, during this period, wishes everyone a Happy Carnival 2017!
Trattoria Micci wishes everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day 2017!
We wish to inform our kind customers that Trattoria Micci will be closed for vacation from January 29, 2017 till February 9, 2017. Trattoria Micci
Trattoria Micci wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Starters Octopus carpaccio Fried baby octopus Assorted hors d’oeuvres (without seafood) First Courses Cannelloni with meat sauce Ravioli with ricotta and spinach Cappelletti in broth Fettuccine with artichokes Seafood risotto Main Courses and Side Dishes Roast lamb Crumbed lamb cutlets with artichokes Roast pork Roast breast of veal Mixed boiled meats with green sauce Seasonal[…]
Christmas is arriving and in the restaurant we are preparing to welcome the event! And what is better than a nice little Christmas tree or a Christmas garland? Kind regards to everyone and see you next lunch or dinner with us! Trattoria Micci
Trattoria Micci offers the Quick Lunch, a menu which costs only 10 euros for workers and tourists visiting Prati and Rome First courses Pasta with tomato sauce… Or pasta with beans. Main courses Pork loin… Or roast pork with potatoes. Furthermore… Small water bottle. Anything prepared and served quickly with the cheap price of only[…]
Weel, yes! As the title suggests, we have proudly reached our first 50 Likes on facebook! And within a relatively short time. Beyond this result, the various comments and several positive reviews must be considered. This achievements motivates us to always improve ourselves, even on the Web. Sincere THANKS to all! Trattoria Micci
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